Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bowel Cancer More Condition_symptoms The WCRF Says That Ham Can Cause Bowel Cancer, Does This Apply To Premium Hams?

The WCRF says that ham can cause bowel cancer, does this apply to premium hams? - bowel cancer more condition_symptoms

The WCRF (World Cancer Research Fund) published a report saying that the consumption can cause cancer Ham. I wonder how this only on the ground ham "processed" reconstituted meat, or as the premium, such as ham, Parma, or any other quality cooked / concerns ham?


lee said...

Refers to red meat and processed meats, which actually is responsible for colorectal cancer for a long time
Hope this helps

Premium Ham are also at risk if large quantities over a long period of eating

MrNeutra... said...

refers to the healing of nitrates, although the process of smoking some SOF. I want to reduce the intake of meat, sausages and all the nitro or name a few. It is much more harmful is.

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